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POSTERi is a project curated by METRONOM that rethinks the dynamics of use and sharing of the visual arts, with the aim of triggering virtuous mechanisms of comparison between authors and researches and between works and users. 

Christto & Andrew, Elena Arzuffi, Michele Buda, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Valentina D'Accardi, Martina della Valle, Kamilia Kard, Daniele Marzorati, Andrea Pertoldeo and Marco Signorini were invited to select an unpublished image out of a series of works already produced, to create a poster format.

Starting from Sunday 13 December 2020 and until the following Saturday 19 December 2020, the ten posters are set up and made available for sale in the space in via Carteria 10, and subsequently on the Metronom Books website for the entire winter holiday period.



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