Metronom is pleased to present Pattern, a new review curated by Gemma Fantacci and showed on the gallery's Digital Video Wall (DVW), via Carteria 10, Modena.
Pattern is the theme chosen for this sixth edition of the DVW, which investigates how digital technologies and artificial intelligence shape our perception of the self, the body, and personal identity. This inquiry...
Metronom is pleased to present MO'DINNA MO'DINNA (I wanna go back home), a solo exhibition by artist Antonio Rovaldi, curated by Marcella Manni.
Upon discovering the existence of a town named Modena in the Utah desert, near the Nevada border, Rovaldi decided to traverse these locations with his camera, creating a photographic journal that he completed upon...
We are pleased to announce that on Saturday, October 5, at 11:00 AM, the group exhibition curated by Federica Muzzarelli, titled Fotografia e Femminismi. Storie e immagini dalla collezione Donata Pizzi, will open at Fondazione Sabe per l’arte, in Ravenna.
The exhibition, which will be on view until December 15, 2024, brings together the work of different...