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@RealSelfCindy (2016) is the video by the artist Katie Torn presented on Metronom's DIGITAL VIDEO WALL on the occasion of Rabbit Hole, the fourth thematic review curated by Gemma Fantacci. The video is visible 24h from 7 February to 7 March 2023.

Katie Torn's work, using different filters that created following the ispiration given by social network trends, is built in six clips in which she experiments with these new versions of herself. The digitization of the image and above all of the identity of each of us passes through the showcases offered by different software that allow experimentation with different bodies and faces. With 3D modeling Katie Torn shows us the new multiplications of the self in the era of digital capitalism.


At the following link is possible to register to our Telegram Channel to be always updated about the Rabbit Hole screening: DVW/Telegram


Katie Torn
@RealSelfCindy, 2016
Digital Video Wall | Metronom | via Carteria 10 Modena
7 febbraio - 7 marzo 2023 

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